14 February 2018


Once a successful act - 250 million Sperms leaves their home ground and enter the unknown world of Female reproductive system. Once they enter this Maya Nagri (Magical world) they fall in love       with the Egg!

To decide the true winner these 250 million sperms, tend to participate in a race to be the one who can spend their whole life with the egg!

Image Courtesy: 3 Idiot Movie
This race is full of obstacles and barriers:
  • THE EXTREME PRESSURE: The Acidic nature of Vagina in itself poses a strong survival issues for many sperms. The acidic PH inside the vagina kills few sperms as soon as they enter.
  • IMMUNE MORTAL COMBAT: Once the fittest sperms pass on to the next phase women’s white blood cells combats sperms as they are detected as enemies in the system leaving only 2 million sperms to enter the cervix.
  • VICIOUS SWIM THROUGH: Post entrance in the cervix sperms swim through the cervical mucous and vaginal discharge. Depending on the stage of the cycle the texture and consistency of this liquid is either dense or sheer. During Ovulation as discussed in the 5 visible cues for deducing the magical window of ovulation sheer and thinner liquid compliments the movement of the sperm and makes the environment conducive for them to survive. On the other hand, before and after the Ovulation this liquid is dense and makes the movement of the sperm difficult.
  • THE CURVY MAZE: Overall the structure and shape of female reproductive system is complicated itself. Many sperms get caught in the different spaces and cavities and there-by get lost.
Image Courtesy: poppingunicorns.com

The Mediterranean nature of the maze was not enough. To add to it the motion to the left or right of the fallopian tube gets hold of a lot of sperms.

While it all seems really full of struggle but there are few arrangements done by the egg as well to make their journey a bit easy-going.
  • NEUTRALIZED LOVE IN THE AIR: Usually sperms are prepared for acidic environment and mortal combat through its seminal liquid. This Seminal liquid neutralizes as an effect of the acidic environment and secretes a sugar that nourishes the sperm and act as a protector during the mortal combat with white blood cells.
  • EGG GIVES CLEAR HINT: During egg formation the hormones sends in clear signal to the sperms. These signals acts as a directional hint for the sperms and aids them in selecting the right direction in the maze.
  • STRONG CUPID FORCE: Near to the ovulation date the hormones that are produced to help the egg grow also enter the women’s bloodstream. These hormones indicate the muscles of the womb, that are closest, to start a rhythmic contraction so as to slowly move the sperms towards the entrance of the fallopian tube.
  • A TINY VALVE OF LOVE: Once the muscles of the womb pulls the sperms near to the fallopian tube the tiny opening of the fallopian tube acts as a valve. This valve opens only for very few sperms and there-by letting only few sperms inside the tube. This is also a process of elimination by women’s body for getting only the best sperms closest to the egg.
  • FUN FILLED WAITING AREA: Once inside the fallopian tube Sperm are in the safest environment and they hang out at the walls of the fallopian tube till the egg is realized. In this situation only five to six sperms are successful out of 250 million.
  • THE FINAL PROPOSAL: Once the movement of egg is sensed these few sperm get detached from the wall and move to the middle of the Fallopian tube to meet the egg they are in love with ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Once the fastest sperm meets the egg it presents itself with a combination of powerful thrust of the tail and a bag full of enzymes that melts the heart (the outer membrane) of the egg before the egg says yes to the relationship. Once the egg says yes to one sperm it hardens the outer membrane so as to stop entrance of other sperms. Post few hours the tail of the sperm is detached. The chromosome inside the head of the sperm meets the inner part of the membrane to ignite the ray of a new life!

The winning sperm travels only 10 -12 centimeters yet faces a lot of hurdles and challenges to meet the love of his life – something similar to our real lives!
Be active! Be Happy! And Be the winning sperm ๐Ÿ˜‰ to pop a unicorn ๐Ÿ˜Š
