Hi I am Richie and I am a qualitative market researcher turned unicorn blogger ;). You must be wondering ‘what she does?’! Hehe!

So in a simpler way, I research about people’s life and understand what are their needs and wants when it comes to living a better and easy going life. We (the qualitative market researchers) tell people’s living situations, habits, behaviors and their inclination for having a better product to different companies that hire us, so that they can design and make different products that will help people to live a better life! Ah!

Yes! You are right! I am in a way the creator of the world – who glows in the dark…

Well! On a serious note, I am writing this blog to share experiences, preserve age old wisdom and get rid of the myths related to motherhood in India. When I popped a unicorn myself in 2016, I realized that there is so much of knowledge about day to day living that is sitting with our mothers, grandmothers, aunts and Indian doctors, which is not being known to us and is being washed away. I wanted to gather all these small snippets of wisdom to preserve it so that you as well as my daughter Nirvair Kour could benefit from it. One fine day ;)!

Like I said, I am trained in understanding people’s life, needs and behavior, I am taking this professional experience forward to bring to you a go to guide for motherhood in Indian way from the experiences of our old wives and supporting the facts from Indian doctors from the different fields.

The articles on http://thepoppingunicorns.blogspot.in/ are specially curated after a detailed research conducted with mothers, grandmothers, aunts and a panel of doctors. Duplication of the content is strictly prohibited. Also, if you are interested to talk to me about product ideation / product reviews please contact me at thepoppingunicrons@gmail.com – please do not draw any product assumptions from my articles ;).

Our product reviews would be a true product review without any biases from my profession and trust me our product review would be beyond ‘just good product’!

Enjoy reading and popping unicorns!!

Behind the Scenes! Key people on Panel

Dr. Shipra Katiyar (BAMS, MS) an expert in Ayurveda Anorectal disorders and gynaecology Obstetrics cases. Along with her practice as OB-GYN she imparts her knowledge at S.B.S.D.Ji Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital at Farrukhabad. Shipra is a winner of best paper at national conference on Oja bala where she focused on Aspects of Oja in foetal growth. ‘Every motherhood journey is different and has its own varied challenges and experiences’ is her mantra for helping hundreds of patients with ante natal care through Ayurveda and delivering unicorns successfully! She know-it-all about popping a unicorn undoubtedly, however when she popped her own she started to believe that she is novice in motherhood and has to learn a lot! Strange but truth!

Dr. Simantini Sathe (M.B.B.S, DGO, DCH) an OB-GYN is specialised in women and baby health care. Along with her practice of 28 years she is a renowned medical officer at Reserve Bank of India. With her belief of ‘Birth as not a moment but a complete transformation of to-be parents’ she helps and consults thousands of couples to pop a unicorn seamlessly! Well! Being a doctor she doesn’t have a bad handwriting at all ;)!

Rashi a fine arts student who is also pursuing her scholarships in dance in Kathak is the creator behind the illustrations. As intrigued by every emotions and expressions in her life, she tries to bring the warmth and magic to all her illustrations at Popping Unicorns. Well! She herself is as endowed as Unicorn!

Lavanya Kaur née Vinnakota, an ex-software professional, now a school teacher, a tutor and full-time mommy. Likes binge watching english sitcoms and reading all kinds of novels i.e. if she gets time out from her crazy schedule.
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I am Richie, a qualitative researcher and a mother of a sweet little unicorn. I do research while running around my toddler unicorn. When I get time off cleaning the magical poop and pukes, I write about the Indian way of handling motherhood. At Popping Unicorns you will find old wives tales behind motherhood backed up by the reasoning of science.